The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is examining ways pedestrian and bicycle traffic data is collected across the state. Bicycle and pedestrian traffic data is collected in a variety of methods and used to evaluate project effectiveness, variations in overall volumes, and crash data analysis.
To understand the various practices and uses, MDOT has created an online survey to learn how bicycle and pedestrian traffic data is collected, used, and stored. The survey also looks at reasons why this data may not be collected. The survey is open to all, with a focus on transportation planners, traffic engineers, and other practitioners.
Results from the survey will assist MDOT in determining how to implement an active transportation traffic database. If you have any questions about this survey or its results, please contact Nate Evans, Active Transportation Planner in MDOT’s Office of Planning and Capital Programming at
Take the online survey by clicking the link or using the QR code below.