News & MDOT Awarded Projects
If you have a recently awarded project that you would like to highlight in the next newsletter, reach out to us! |
Recently Submitted Grants
Description: $2 million submission to develop innovative financing strategies for the accelerated development of a pipeline of rail projects in Maryland. MARIA includes several rail lines including MARC, Light Rail, Metro, Purple Line, Red Lin, and State-owned freight. MARIA will be housed within the MTA, and will
formalize partnerships with relevant partners, local jurisdictions, metropolitan planning organizations, asset owners, host railroads and others. Expanding Rural Transit Options: Washington County Bus Facility Project For more
information about projects submitted by MDOT, visit our webpage. |
Open Federal IIJA Opportunities
Discretionary funding, in addition to entitlement
funding, due June 16, 2025. For more information about Open Federal Discretionary Grants, visit our webpage. |
The MDOT Climate Focused Funding Portal Solicitation will be open February 5 – March 26, 2025. MDOT understands the importance of investing in transportation projects that have climate benefits and is re-launching the Climate Focused Funding portal to identify and implement additional projects following a successful first round in 2024. Click here information and technical assistance, including information on the current solicitation, instructions on how to apply and resources to support you in the
identification and submission of your climate beneficial projects. To support applicants,
MDOT is offering Weekly Office Hours on Wednesday’s from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m. from January 22 until March 26. To join, please use the link provided below: CFFP Weekly Virtual Office Hours Meeting ID: 221 327 097 328, Passcode: Bt3LE3mH
MDOT has announced the Maryland Electric
Vehicle (EV) Infrastructure Installation Partnering Form, now available through the EV Plan website. The form is a new resource to encourage potential partnership and collaboration among organizations that are interested in installing publicly available EV charging stations throughout the State. The ‘List of Partners’ gathered through the form will be updated regularly so that interested organizations can reach out directly to those identified on the list about teaming
opportunities. For those interested in partnering with a site host, MDOT recommends utilizing the EV Charger Siting Tool to
determine if sites may be a good candidate.
Current funding
opportunities that may be of interest to Clean Cities and Communities stakeholders, including U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Vehicle Technologies Office (VTO) funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) issued by the USDOE, are available at the Clean Cities and Communities: Funding Opportunities website.
Sustainable Maryland has launched the Sustainable Maryland
Action Grants Program to further their mission of enhancing livability and sustainability across Maryland’s municipalities. This program supports a wide range of community-scale sustainability initiatives, offering a vital funding resource for Sustainable Maryland registered and certified municipalities. For more information, please head to the Sustainable Maryland website.
The BIL Launchpad provides customized information on available funding, interactive technical support, data on successful awards, and essential resources to help users navigate transportation grant programs and expedite applications.
Additional DOT technical assistance resources can be found through the DOT Navigator. If you are representing a local entity and interested in receiving an MDOT Letter of Support for a current or anticipated project, click here to fill out a request form, and contact Sean Winkler at swinkler1@mdot.maryland.gov or 410-865-1158.
Upcoming Meetings & Events
2025 Maryland Highway Safety Summit The 2025 Maryland Highway Safety Summit will be held April 29, 2025, from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Hotel. The summit is an annual meeting of Maryland’s safety leaders and stakeholders working together to reach the goal of eliminating traffic
fatalities and serious injuries by 2030. The event highlights Maryland’s collaborative approach to bringing federal, state, and local partners together. Register here Questions? Reach out to Rachel Andress or Anna Levendusky. |
Did someone share this with you? Sign up to receive future issues here! Follow MDOT on X, LinkedIn and Facebook! We want to support you! Reach out to discuss your capital priorities, federal funding opportunities and how we can work together. Please visit the MDOT IIJA Federal
Discretionary Grant Information website to learn more or to view previous newsletter editions by clicking the button below. Email MDOTPlanning@mdot.maryland.gov with any questions or general inquiries.