| The
Secretary's Office of Planning, Programming, and Program Delivery |
On behalf of the Maryland Department of Transportation, the Secretary’s Office of Planning, Programming, and Project Delivery (OPPPD) remains committed to keeping you informed, educated and updated. We hope this newsletter will help you stay
up-to-date on current OPPPD initiatives and reports. |
This issue includes: - the State Report on
- MDOT's New Project Prioritization Process,
- the Strategic Asset Management Plan and
- resources
& other information.
The State Report on Transportation |
We are pleased to share the new 2025 State Report on Transportation (SRT). The SRT contains three important documents: the Final FY 2025 - FY 2030 Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP), the new annual Attainment Report (AR) on Transportation System Performance, and Maryland’s Long-Range Transportation Plan (The Playbook). Every year, MDOT submits the
State Report on Transportation to the Maryland Legislature on the third Wednesday in January as part of the Governor’s budget submission. This year, these reports were submitted to the Maryland General Assembly on Wednesday, January 15, and can be found at: www.ctp.maryland.gov. FY 2025 - FY 2030 CTP Report
The Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP) is Maryland's six-year capital budget for transportation projects. The CTP contains projects and programs across MDOT. MDOT released the FY 2025 - FY 2030 CTP Report on January
2025 Attainment Report on Transportation System Performance
MDOT is responsible for building, operating, and maintaining a safe and sustainable multi-modal transportation network. To accomplish this, the Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP) establishes a 20-year vision through a series of Statewide goals and objectives and the Attainment Report assesses
progress annually through transportation system performance. With guidance from the Governor’s Attainment Report Advisory Committee
(ARAC), MDOT updated the performance measures this year to align with the new goals, objectives and guiding principles in the Playbook.
MDOT published an 18-month update to the Maryland Transportation Plan (MTP), also known as "The Playbook," which is Maryland’s long-range transportation plan. The MTP guides the State's vision, corresponding policy, and
investment priorities for the next 20 years. The Playbook outlines Maryland’s vision to provide safe, reliable, accessible, equitable and sustainable transportation options to Marylanders across the State.
MDOT's New Project Prioritization Process
MDOT is assessing a new Prioritization process for the selection of large surface transportation projects (capacity projects for highways, public transit and non-motorized transportation above $5 million) that get funded in
the CTP. During the last year, the Office of Planning, Programming, and Project Delivery has worked with MDOT leadership and the modes to update the previously used Chapter 30 application process and develop a new project prioritization effort for surface
transportation projects. This new prioritization process upholds Governor Moore’s vision to deliver a data-driven, performance-based project prioritization process that maximizes the value of Maryland's transportation investments. During the last few months, MDOT has collaborated with our local and regional partners and other
stakeholders to share this new prioritization process and engage in opportunities for external feedback, prior to implementing the pilot application process this winter. The application portal is now open and will remain open until February 18, 2025, for a pilot unfunded process. The MDOT team will review the applications and final project
scores will be published in the draft CTP. To learn more about the updates to the prioritization process for surface transportation, including new eligibility criterial, guidelines and application process, please click on the button below. If you have questions about the new prioritization process and/or the pilot application process, please email prioritization@mdot.maryland.gov.
The Strategic Asset Management Plan
MDOT recently updated our Strategic Asset Management Plan. Representatives from across MDOT and every modal administration worked to assess the old plan, form working groups to identify new
strategies and develop new goals for the next five years. Asset management is about understanding our infrastructure needs to align investments with the strategic goals. This plan outlines new and updated goals in managing assets across the Department. Asset management is a transformational program for MDOT, and as an industry
leader, we have embedded leaders and champions throughout the Department to bring innovative approaches to asset planning and analysis, from planning and delivery through operations and maintenance. Our program is collaborative and supports our overall commitment to proactive and cost-effective management of our infrastructure.
The asset management program embeds data-driven lifecycle management strategies that allow us to understand the assets we have, monitor their performance and condition and make strategic decisions about their
maintenance, renewal and replacement. Learn more about the Strategic Asset Management Plan by clicking the button below.
Resources & Other Information
To learn more about other OPPPD programs, click the links below. Programs Other Information - OPPPD is working closely with the Office of Active Transportation and Micromobility to develop the Maryland State Transportation Trails Strategic Plan, which was initiated in September 2024. MDOT is looking forward to working with State and local partners to create a resource for shared-use paths that will contribute to the statewide bicycle and pedestrian transportation network. A website for
the Maryland State Transportation Trails Strategic Plan is coming soon.
- Stop On Red — Knowing When to Stop for School Buses: School Bus Safety Tips
- TIP/STIP Process Overview Webinar